About Us
Talk to us about your projects
Our team has decades of experience in IT and a global reach. Use our skills, talk to our team about your ideas.
Like you, we all start some where. We all need others to bounce ideas off.
We’re always happy to review your requirements, scopes or just project ideas and help you to find the resources you need to make your project a success.
Who are we?
We are a small dynamic global team with resources in countries all around the world.
This is fantastic news for you because it means we have the ability to stand up resources quickly and be flexible to your needs.
We often have “hot” resources which are production ready.
Needing resources for your projects?
IP space, SSL certs, ondemand disk space, more CPU, tell us what you need. We have resource and we can deliver an extensive array of capacity either directly or via our many global partners depending on your needs.
Talk to us about what you’re trying to do and we can help you design a solution.
Sponsored projects?
Over the past decade we have sponsored may projects with our global resources. We’ve given many folk a hand up or just got legs on projects.
If you’ve got a project idea and you need some help then please just come and talk to us.
Even if we’re not resourced to help you today, we may know folk who are and can. So reach out!
Who are you?
We deal with a people from all ranges of skill sets.
Our benefit to you is that we can and do compliment you and your team. We often work directly with developers who don’t have strong system administration skills or system administrators who don’t have good extensive global design skills or many other wide ranges of abilities.
We also give great focus to people who want to learn, who want help to rise up and build great projects.
How we can help you?
We can help you and your team by being part of your project that you’re either not currently or just don’t want to do or don’t have resources to be.
What are your needs?
Talk to us about what you feel you and your team or customers need and we’ll shape resources to help you deliver.
Managed and unmanaged services?
We can provide service levels that meet your needs. You don’t need to be paying us to provide service if you’re comfortable to support your own infrastructure.
But if you need us to, we can hold your hand from start to finish.
Casual and On Demand Products or your Choice of Contracts.
Your world in one panel.
We can put all our resources into one single client panel across all our data centres.
Our Software or Yours
We have an extensive range of software products that we can stand up for you on demand or you can bring your own or we can go find it for you!
Your choice of software
Our team will install it! We can manage it, you can manage it or your customers can manage it.
Just because we have our own inhouse designed control systems doesn’t mean you have to use them!
You can have cPanel, Microsoft Windows or other commercial or non-commercial software. You just tell us what you need and we’ll help you set it up.
Need training?
Everyone needs to learn something new in IT every day. We know, because we do!
We can help you expand your System Administration learning. We’ve ‘eaten systems administrators for breakfast’ and dream about SysAdmin in our sleep.
So if you’re keen to become a better SysAdmin then chat to us. We’re always keen to share learning!
Want to grow your own global hosting business?
We’re serious! We know you get those emails every other day saying “You to can have your own global business…. Blar blar blar…”
But this is what we do! We are a global hosting business with resources all around the global. Our IP addresses are Geocoded, and we announce resource where you need it!
Our resource is your resource. We can stand up resources for you on demand so that you can advertise your self as a global resource provider too.
Talk to us about a plan to build up a business in the global hosting space!
Level 3 Support?
Many of our customers are ‘in the industry’ providing services to their own customers. Web developers, system integrators, you name it, we’ve worked with them.
We can be your level 3 support and help you grow your business. We’ve waved many good bye as their business has risen up past ours, because helping people grow and learn is what we do!
Sponsored Learning?
We can and do sponsor learning with resources, so talk to us about what you need. Of course we don’t take on every project that graces our doors and we don’t have endless resources…. we’re not Google ;)
Please chat to us about what you’re trying to achieve because even if we can’t help today, we might know people who can!
Looking for a job? What to be part of our global team?
With decades in the IT industry, we are well connected. Many folk have worked with us and moved on to great things. If you’re looking to improve, or just change your employment situation then please reach out to us!
With relationships around the world, we can and do help people.