Cloud Solutions

"A 'Cloud Solution' is simply a computing solution that runs on someone elses computer, not yours...  ok, we can do that, we do it all the time and have done for decades", says Damien Mascord - GPLHost CTO based in Sydney Australia.

Here at GPLHost all our solutions exist 'in the clouds' because even though we own our own servers, switchs, routers and back up systems most of us have never seen most of our own gear!  Yet we don't loose the 1's and have all the 0's in the right place for our customers every day.

One of the biggest tricks is getting your data out of the cloud and back in your hand just in case you need it.  Another of our biggest tricks is standing up more clouds for when customers just start to RAIN in!

We can and do build solutions that talk directly to CDN networks to ensure that you have the fastest performance even under load that is possible within your individual budget.

We also work with partners to deliver robust DDOS protection, manage complex firewalls and stand up 'on demand' resources to meed spcific requirements.

Talk to us today about your needs, your next project or improving the performance you're getting from your existing platforms.